
School Holidays Programs


Keeping kids active during school holidays

The School Holiday program is aimed at children between 5 and 16 years of age and has been designed to provide them with the opportunity to learn a range of sports, keep fit, have fun and form friendships with children their own age in a safe environment through the holidays.

It also assists children in developing healthy lifetime habits including keeping active, nutrition, hydration, sun protection and playing fair.

The focus of the School Holiday program is to encourage children to be fit, healthy and participate in sport with the aim of:

  • Developing their sporting skills
  • Increasing their knowledge and movement skills by participating in various activities
  • Enhancing their self-confidence and social interaction
  • Stimulating their desire to participate in sport and be fit

Benefits of the School Holiday Program

  • Up to 18 hours of professional coaching by coaches who are at least level 1 or 2 qualified
  • Structured program proven to develop sporting skills
  • Opportunities for appearances and talks from leading Queensland athletes
  • Students are placed into age groups with a maximum of 15 per team so coaches are easily accessible to athletes
  • FREE QIS School Holiday Program apparel
  • FREE fresh fruit daily
  • Certificate of Attendance at end of program

For more information:

To enquire about the QIS School Holiday Sports Program call us today on 1300 377 678 .

If you would like to organise your school’s participation in the program, please complete the QIS School Holiday Sports Program Application Form provided for Primary Schools or High Schools and email to enquiries@queenslandsport.org.au